LG - webOS 4+

Important: Do not skip LG tutorial and set the display Timezone, time, date and location respectively to it’s location. Otherwise system will not work properly.

  1. Turn on the display
  2. Set display by “tutorial” (first option after display starts)
  3. Once set, go to Settings -> Ez-settings
  4. Select SI Server Setting
  5. In Server Menu select following options:
  • Fully qualified domain - https://w.signageos.io/w.ipk
  • Application Launch mode – Local
  • Application type – IPK
  1. Go up to Local Application Upgrade
  2. Select Remote
  3. App starts to downloading and installing
  4. Once done restart the display by pressing power off nad power on on remote control


Once the display is started you will see a short Verification code in the middle of the screen.