Samsung - SSSP D, E line


Please note that it is necessary to set current time and date, otherwise the functionality will not be available. It is also important to take into consideration that these devices are considered as legacy devices. Due to hardware limitations some functionality might be affected.

Installation steps

  1. Turn on display and switch source to HDMI or PC
  2. Go to Menu –> Settings – Power Control – Network Standby -> select On
  3. Go to Menu –>Settings – Power Control – Auto Power -> select On
  4. Press Menu -> System -> Play via
  • Select URL Launcher
  1. Go to Home – Device ID – select connection to PC with RJ-45
  2. Connect display to the internet (In Home menu -> Network Settings)
  3. In Home menu select Setup URL in the top right corner
  4. Fill in the URL and confirm (please do not use SSL for this legacy platform)

At this point, display should connect to the Internet and download the app, reboot itself and show short verification hash