Samsung - Tizen (F-line, H-line, Q-line, N-line)
Installation steps
*Please note that it is necessary to set current time and date, otherwise the functionality will not be available.
- Turn on display, go through basic settings (clocks, WiFi settings etc.) and switch source to HDMI or PC
- Check your FW version using IR Remote control
navigate to Menu -> Support -> Contact Samsung. check the line Software version and compare the value with our table of supported firmwares for your model. 3. Press Menu -> System -> Play via
Select URL Launcher
Press HOME on IR remote control
Go to URL Launcher Settings -> URL address
Fill in following URL and confirm:
Link to the latest Samsung Tizen Core App Tizen Core App link doesn’t work directly in the browser. It works just and only on the Tizen device where it looks for specific xml file. It's the way the Tizen devices are 'recognizing' the installation file.
In Home menu select Device ID -> select RJ-45
Go to Menu – Settings – Power control – Network Stand by -> select On
Go to Menu – Settings – Power control – Auto Power On -> select On
Select HOME and press first button – URL LAUNCHER
At this point, display connects to the Internet and download signageOS Core App for Tizen. Then it reboots itself and starts the signageOS App.