Device & Screen registration

Device registration is a two part procces in which you are pairing physical device and virtual screen that our CMS uses to publish content and store settings

Device Registration steps

  1. Login to the CMS and in the top menu select Devices
  2. Press the Create button image
  3. Fill in the form:
    1. Name: name of the device
    2. Verification Hash: if you installed our app this is the code on a screen
    3. Device Environment: for better organization of your network and to not raise any alarms if test or instalation devices are offline
    4. Orientation: Physical orientation in which the device will be installed
    5. Resolution: Screen resolution
    6. Timezone: Timezone in which the device is registred. Default value in the time of registration is filled in from your account setting, but can be changed later.
    7. NTP server: ON/OFF switch for setting time server (, can be changed to custom by our support team
    8. Press the Submit button, at this point the screen should display its name and aditional info. image

Screen Registration steps

  1. Login to the CMS and in the top menu select Screens
  2. Press the Create screen button or if you want to do some organizing at first Create Category button image
  3. Fill in the form:
    1. Name: name of the screen, you will see this name when you are publishing a content
    2. Description: (optional) Short description of the screen ie. type of content its running, orientation, physical placement, any other notes you want to keep
    3. Layout: default layout is Fullscreen. You can divide a screen to multiple regions by assinging it your custom layout.
    4. Category: (optional) select a category if you want to assing a screen to that category
    5. Device: assign physical device from previous step to this screen
    6. Screen Setting: default setting is - Account timezone, Volume 0%, Brightness 90%, Remote control unlocked
    7. Tags:(optional) you can create Tags as a short descriptors of that screen purpose, location etc.. and then publish content to Tags instead of individual screens. Very useful for large diverse networks.
    8. Press the Submit button, at this point the screen should display Ready for fresh content image