- A machine running Windows 10 architecture x86 (32 and 64 bit Windows) with connection to internet is required! Specifically Windows May 2020 Update (Version 2004, Build 19041) or higher.
- Clean installation of Windows OS
- PowerShell version 5.1 (or higher)
- Constant internet connection (Ethernet cable or Automatic connection to Wi-Fi)
Installation steps
- Download the latest Windows signageOS Core app installer. And run the .exe file to initialize installation. HERE
- Click "YES" in the UAC dialog window.
- Click "Next".
- Fill in password for Kiosk user and click "Install".
- Click "Next".
- Restart computer.
- Application will start and display short verification hash.
Uninstallation steps
- Run powershell as administrator
- Navigate to folder with downloaded scripts
- Execute Uninstall scripts