

  • A machine running Windows 10 architecture x86 (32 and 64 bit Windows) with connection to internet is required! Specifically Windows May 2020 Update (Version 2004, Build 19041) or higher.
  • Clean installation of Windows OS
  • PowerShell version 5.1 (or higher)
  • Constant internet connection (Ethernet cable or Automatic connection to Wi-Fi)

Installation steps

  1. Download the latest Windows signageOS Core app installer. And run the .exe file to initialize installation. HERE
  2. Click "YES" in the UAC dialog window. image
  3. Click "Next". image
  4. Fill in password for Kiosk user and click "Install". image
  5. Click "Next". image
  6. Restart computer. image
  7. Application will start and display short verification hash.

Uninstallation steps

  1. Run powershell as administrator
  2. Navigate to folder with downloaded scripts
  3. Execute Uninstall scripts .\Uninstall-SignageOS.ps1